Looped Kiosk icon

An exceptional ordering experience in your restaurant through Kiosk

Self-ordering enhances your sales by increasing the average order size per customer, while simultaneously contributing to cost reduction in the restaurant by improving operational efficiency


Offer a seamless ordering and payment experience

  • Delight your guests with a convenient and incredibly easy ordering and payment experience
  • Elevate your brand image by providing faster services and embracing new technological innovations
  • Build stronger relationships with your customers through smart and personalized recommendations tailored to their tastes

Enhance the efficiency of your restaurant operations

  • Let the self-ordering device handle order taking and payments, while your team focuses on other tasks
  • Simplify your operations by automatically passing orders from the device to the kitchen display screen and notification screen
  • Easily control and update the content displayed on the screen from one place and in real-time

Grow your revenue streams

  • Don't lose any visitors due to peak hour errors
  • Enhance the capabilities of the self-ordering device to provide tailored recommendations based on each order's details and the customer's history
  • Utilize the new screen to advertise your new recipes and promote your seasonal delicious dishes


Install a tower in the most strategic and visible corner of your restaurant, then let it do its job and delight your customers


Counter Top

Make the most of the small counter top space and add a new element to your team that never tires of taking orders and receiving payments